
Eureka Landscapes is a multi-award winning landscaping, construction and Maintenance Company, as such we embody various policies to ensure quality, health and safety and environmental and sustainable practice.


Eureka Landscapes is a multi-award-winning landscaping, construction, and maintenance company. Health and Safety Management is central to Eureka Landscapes core business values. Our vision is simple, a commitment to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health, a commitment to eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks and a commitment to consultation and participation of workers, and workers representatives.

Eureka Landscapes believes the best business solution for management of Health and Safety is also the best business solution for all our stakeholders.

Objectives for achieving our vision:

  • Having an implemented Health and Safety Management System
  • Fostering consultation form all levels of the company
  • Establishing measurable objectives and targets aimed at the elimination of work-related incidents or impacts from our activities, products, and services
  • Defining roles, responsibilities, and levels of accountability


  • Integration of risk management principles in all core planning
  • Regular review of objectives and targets to promote improved performance outcomes across all business divisions
  • A commitment to measurable and continual improvement in Health and Safety performance through strategic planning
  • Establishment and ongoing expansion of Health and Safety learning and development initiatives
  • Regular consultation with our workforce and other stakeholders to improve decision-making on Health and Safety matters
  • Ensuring incidents are investigated and lessons learnt are distributed business wide
  • Distributing Health and Safety information, including this policy, business wide to all employees, workers and interested parties
  • Providing timely and effective injury management
  • Regular review of policies and procedures to ensure compliance with legislation and ongoing relevance across the business
  • The provision of sufficient resources to ensure compliance remains central to core business values
  • Recognising and rewarding excellence in Health and Safety performance


I commit Eureka Landscapes to the implementation of this policy and task all personnel across the business with the responsibility for achieving our vision.

Jason McGarry

Eureka Landscapes Managing Director


Eureka Landscapes is a multi-award-winning landscape, construction and maintenance company. Our commitment to the Environment and Sustainability is out come based, innovative and founded on the belief that we have a wider responsibility for our contribution to have a lasting impact. Sustainability is about creating a legacy for the planet and for our people. 

Eureka Landscapes recognises that acting in a responsible and sustainable manner creates new opportunities, enhances investor value, and improves social and environmental returns.

Objectives for achieving our vision:

  • Having an implemented Environmental Management System
  • Establishing measurable objectives and targets aimed at the elimination of environmental impacts from our activities, products, and services
  • Defining roles, responsibilities, and levels of accountability


  • Integrating risk management principles in all core planning activities; including the prevention of pollution
  • Maintaining high standards of honest, ethical and legal business behaviour at all times
  • Engaging with our suppliers to improve the sustainability performance of our supply chain
  • Providing sufficient resources to ensure compliance remains central to core business values
  • Enhancing the communities in which we operate through actions including active engagement, offering innovative and sustainable products, preserving heritage and enhancing culture and a focused program of community contributions, investments and initiatives
  • Developing, recognising and rewarding our staff to facilitate optimal performance, achieve career objectives and foster a high-performance culture committed to sustainability
  • Improving resource efficiency and minimising the environmental impacts of activities, including the prevention of pollution
  • Positioning Eureka Landscapes to operate in a changing climate and carbon constrained economy
  • Pursuing continual improvement in corporate responsibility and sustainability management and performance
  • Regularly reviewing our policies and procedures to ensure compliance with legislation and ongoing relevance


I commit Eureka Landscapes to the implementation of this policy and task all personnel across Eureka Landscapes with contributing to this goal.

Jason McGarry

Eureka Landscapes Managing Director


Eureka Landscapes is a multi-award-winning landscaping, construction and maintenance company. Our commitment is to ensure we provide a consistent high standard of administration, management and construction service to our clients, approving authorities, and the general community.

To ensure client satisfaction we will commit adequate resources and competent personnel to our projects and have an implemented Quality Management System.


  • Maintaining high standards of honest, ethical and legal business behavior at all times
  • Providing our customers, investors, suppliers and business partners with an experience that delivers excellence, meets or exceeds expectations of quality performance and engenders loyalty
  • Engaging with our suppliers to improve consistency of their delivery skills
  • Developing, recognizing and rewarding our staff to facilitate optimal performance, achieve career objectives and foster a high-performance culture
  • Continually improve our performance to create “best in class” in delivery
  • To promote the use of innovative solutions, technologies and construction methods
  • To take actions to address risks and opportunities which could impact on the delivery of our products and services
  • To ensure the needs and expectations of interested parties are included in our risk and opportunity process
  • Regularly reviewing our policies and procedures to ensure compliance with legislation and ongoing relevance

Eureka Landscapes Quality Management System establishes the framework to achieve our quality objectives through measurable targets, quality plans, procedures and the empowerment of personnel through accountability and training.


I commit Eureka Landscapes to the implementation of this policy and task all personnel across Eureka Landscapes with contributing to this goal.

Jason McGarry

Eureka Landscapes Managing Director